Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Cookies and Sugar

Christmas came this week. We got lots of sugar. I already talked about Monday, so I'll skip that. 
For Christmas eve we went to Visalia and had a Zone Conference. It was pretty fun. We learned about faith, and then we played Bingo and stuff. It was fun to be with Elder Perkins and Elder Arebalo and Elder Peterson. I won a bag of cereal. We ate dinner at the Nelson's house, and played a little Where's Waldo with their kids. I know that Through Faith we can do all things, if our desire is righteous, and the Lord wills. 
On Christmas we still went and ran in the morning, then we had our studies, and our weekly planning session. After that we went to the Robison's house and I got to Skype my family. We never got around to watching a movie.
One of the highlights of my Christmas was giving a Christmas present to one of the Less active members that we've been working with. We were trying to get him a suit that fit him. We had given him Christmas presents already, some home made cookies and candy and other goodies like a larger print triple combination. We tried one suit but it was too small. Then we were able to get a large suit jacket from another one of our less active members and we put together another quit coffee care package. with hot chocolate and crystal light stuff. We gave him the second present shipment on Christmas day. He was really happy, his face was beaming. he gave us both a warm handshake, and I could tell he was really grateful. Both of these these members gave us a present, by coming to church.  
The Second highlight of my week was with our investigator named Kim. She says that she is going to marry her boyfriend, and that means that she will be able to be baptized!! She says she want to be baptized in February. She hasn't told her kids yet, but her boyfriend and her have ordered rings. 
I also went on an exchange with Elder Munzon. He is from Columbia, and is a recent convert. he was baptized when he was 15, and is the only member in his family. He is a good missionary I think.
Everything has been good. Thanks for all for all of the Love! Keep praring for me!
Happy New Year! 
Elder Keeley

Monday, December 14, 2015

Finding, Teaching Baptizing, Team up in the Rain, Plus Christmas parties

We had a super awesome and busy week this week. We were able to find a family that Elder Perkins and I had given a Book of Mormon too a long time ago, and start teaching them. They are pretty solid. They are named Demery, Jonathan, and Patrick. They also have a little boy named Nick. They are pretty prepared, and we would like to baptize them in December, but I don't know if they are married, or anything like that. We also were able to contact a referral from the bishop of a nearby city, and they are pretty solid as well.
In the ward that I'm serving in, the year's baptismal goal is 16, and we are at 8. Elder Oliver and I are working like crazy to try and reach our ward's goal. We were able to recontact about 4 golden former investigators this week, and we are working like crazy to be able to find people, and help them come to church on Sunday. 
I'll do a quick rundown of who we have so far.
We are still working to baptize the Zamora family, we just haven't been able to meet with them for a while, because they have been busy, but they are on the cusp of baptism. Same with Abel, but we are meeting with him today. 
We have a lady named Christina who is a golden investigator from the past that we are meeting with a again this week, we should be able to help her be baptized as well.
We found Angel, an ROTC kid, he set a solid baptismal date and wants to be baptized.
We have a lady named Chandra that was taught a lot, but couldn't get baptized before, but should be able to now.
We have a girl name Kat who just needs to come to church to get baptized, but she has track on the weekends. 
We have a man named Ranae who has come to church before and is married to a member. We have taught him in the past as well. 
We have a lady named Maria who really needs the gospel, we have taught her before, but she has been hard to get a hold of and has a drinking problem. 
Finally, we just need a some miracles to happen, we need to find families that God has prepared. 
Pray for Elder Oliver and I that we may be able to have the miracle of reaching the ward's baptismal goal, by having these people become converted, come to church, and reach baptism. 
We did a team up yesterday with a priest named Daniel. It rained and hailed, which is unusual for Selma. It was lots of fun to take Daniel through the rain to learn the "hard life." We were able to teach a couple of really good lessons, and were able to find some people that we will baptize.
We also went to two Christmas parties this week, the English one and the Spanish one. The Spanish people know how to party better than the English. I got a picture with Santa and had fun calling our Elder's Quorum President looking for Santa's beard, because a Mexican Santa needs a beard.
I had a great week.
Elder Keeley

This is us as the Spanish Christmas Party. This is my district.

Monday, November 30, 2015

2nd Transfer

I had a great week this week. I got to play in two Turkey bowls. The first one was during prepartion day, with all the other missionaries in the neighboring zones. I saw a lot of the missionaries from my MTC district, including Sister Crowther, the sister that went home for a while. I love playing football.
It made me really sore, i need to do more stretching in the mornings.
On Thanksgiving we went to around 4 different houses and ate 3 dinners. The First one was at our bishop's house. There were a lot of people there. Then we ate at Kim's house in South Selma. Next we brought a lot of food to one of the Spanish elder's investigators. He is going to be baptized in December if he doesn't go crazy. Next we ate at a less active's families house in Central Selma. It was a good thanksgiving.
Transfers is here again, and guess what, I am going to be a trainer! I'm staying in Selma. I don't know who I am training yet though. I am super excited.
We have a lot of baptisms coming up this month, we have about 8 people that are solids so far, and we have some more solid potentials coming as well. We have had lots of miracles with finding.
I am having a great time being a missionary. It is still fairly warm here, but I am wearing a sweater now most of the time. 
Elder Keeley

Monday, November 23, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

I have been studying a lot about gratitude recently, and have been trying to have prayers of thanksgiving often. It helps me to be happy, even when things are crazy. This week we had about 4 sets of people come to church that we have been teaching. The Zamora family, Abel, Alfredo, and Daniel Hernandez. It was the first time that Daniel had come to church in a really long time. He seemed to have a good time, and even participated a little bit. Abel was great as well. Everyone who came to church stayed the full three hours. That's awesome. It also meant that Elder Perkins and I have to run all over the place trying to help each of those people have a good experience, and get fellowship and help from the ward. It was crazy. It was a really great Sunday. Elder Perkins even gave a talk, on gratitude coincidentally.
We ought to be grateful both for what we have, and for our circumstances. There is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude helps us to be humble.
The Bundy family also "probably" moved their baptism to the 5th, but they are still pretty solid for being baptized. Alfredo is as solid as the Salt Lake Temple's foundation.
We were given a crazy referral from the Spanish Missionaries. They had just left an appointment when a car pulled up and a man asked if they were "the Mormons." He had the goal of creating a business of stopping the viruses. The viruses come from the shopping carts. He had a dream that told him that in order to stop the viruses he had to be baptized in the temple at Fresno. Unfortunately, Elder Perkins and I couldn't find him at the tire shop he said to meet him at. I enjoy talking to crazy people sometimes just for the stories, but Elder Perkins doesn't. 
We are having a Turkey bowl today, that should be lots of fun.
Have a great week!
Elder Keeley


Thursday, November 19, 2015

You Know what day it is. It's Thrusday.

Thursday means mail   this week because my Zone got to go to the Temple. I am still alive. Elder Perkins is also still alive. The Fresno Temple is pretty cool, and it is also really small. We drove with our new ward mission leader. He is really awesome and fired up. 
On Monday we came home from a zone meeting, and Brother Smeaton was by our apartment wanting to go out teaching with us. So out we went, visiting as many people as we could. We visited Minerva, the most recent convert, and talked with her about doing missionary work through our everyday lives. Minerva is a funny lady, she casually offered us drinks. She offered us water, and then Tea. Elder Perkins and I got really nervous, thinking to each other, Oh no! Minerva is breaking the word of wisdom. Before we could say anything she also offered us coffee and then broke out laughing. She was just playing a joke on us, she didn't really have any tea or coffee. It was pretty funny.
We also visited a less active man who really wants to become active again and go to the temple. He quit smoking two years ago, and we helped him set a goal to come to church, and to quit drinking coffee and tea on January 1st. Sometimes all it takes is a push, and some help setting a goal to help people get back on track. He is a cool man. 
Minerva gave Elder Perkins and I quilts, because she likes to make quilts for people, and because she is very nice. She is a 75 year old lady by the way.
We did a couple service projects this week. We seasoned a hundreds of pounds of Tri-tip steak for a band fundraiser. We helped a less active member move back into his house, and move lots of his things into storage. That's a complicated story. We also helped the bishop with his yard, and took a trailer to the dump with him.
Alfrado has a really solid baptismal date for December 4th. He already has set up the program, chosen who will baptize him (Elder Perkins) and confirm him (Me), and started making plans to go on a mission in a year, and go to the temple. He is fantastic.
The Bundy family is still set to be baptized on the 28th as well. They came to church last Sunday, and we helped them put together a plan for their baptism as well. They supposedly won't be able to come to church this week, so It will be a scramble for Elder Perkins and I to finish putting everything together.
Kim is still looking for a new apartment. We have found a few options for her, and many of them are full. Pray that she will be able to find somewhere better to live. 
The Zamora family is all really excited for everything, but they haven't made it back to church yet, and they don't want to set a baptism date until they come to church a few more times. 
I know that prayers really work. I know that the Atonement is real, and it applies for everyone and everything. Jesus Christ lives.
Have a great week.
Elder Keeley

We went to Caruthers on Tuesday. I take a lot of pictures, but most of them are on other people's cameras. They aren't the best at forwarding them back to me yet.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Soy Bien

Elder Perkins and I worked hard and had some success. We went to Kingsburg one day and had a team up with our new ward mission leader. We visited the daughter of a referral from the other elders that we had seen once before. Her name is Kat. She said that she had read about half of the book of Mormon since the last time that we had visited her. It's possible that she hasn't actually read anything, but we went over the restoration with her, and committed her to a baptismal date. We'll see how that actually turns out. She wasn't at church on Sunday, but that may have just been because her mom was working.
While in Kingsburg we found some inactive families that said they would like to come back to church. It was nice to have the ward mission leader with us. Finally, we taught Alfredo, the member referral that we received
 Sunday. We taught him at the member's home, with the help of another one of his member friends. Alfredo has already invited his friends to come to his baptism, and know that this is the True church. Member referrals really are the best.

On Sunday the ward we are in had their primary program. Elder Perkins and I had
​the Bundy
family, and Alfredo at church on Sunday. It was good to have the
 back. Their children will be baptized this month.

We are working to help our investigators feel like they are are ready to take the step of baptism.
We were finally able to meet with Able again this week. He is still doing very well spiritually, and got upset when I invited him to pray to know if what we have taught him is really true, because "I already know that it's true. I have no doubts." Or something like that. He will be baptized once his health is back.
We visited our friend Eric in the Long term care facility again. We took him on a walk in a wheelchair. He had a stroke, and lost his left side, and some of his sight. 
We also visited the Zamora family. They are doing everything pretty well, but they don't think that they want to set a baptism date until they come to church a few more times. The mom is still working on coffee, but the children will probably be baptized fairly soon. Maybe December.
Kim is looking for a new apartment, specifically in North Selma. We have been helping her by sending her all of the apartments near the church. She will be able to be baptized as soon as she moves, so that is great news.
We have seen some miracles happen to help families come to the church. Conversion is a miracle.
I am doing well.
Elder Keeley

Monday, November 2, 2015


It rained today


It was Halloween this week, but it was still stinking hot outside. 
Anyways, this week was kind of an interesting one. On Monday, instead of playing soccer and basketball and doing active things like that, Elder Peterson and Elder Arebalo just wanted to write letters and do non-active thins like that. It wasn't my favorite preparation day ever, I like to write and do things like that, but I need my exercise.
On Tuesday Elder Perkins and I met with the ward's new mission leader, and sort of gave him a training of what we expect from him as a mission leader, and what we can do to work together. We talked about ways that we can help the ward become more involved. Some of the best things they can do is to pray for missionary experiences to come to them, and prepare to respond. Their are also lots of resources in the ensigns and online for doing member missionary work. 
On Wednesday we ate dinner in Mexico. We were with the Spanish Elders, and went to a no room house, where the family only spoke Spanish. There was just a kitchen and a bathroom. I thought it was pretty neat. We had spaghetti, and some Mexican drink. I also had a Tamale, it was good.
On Thursday I went on an Exchange with Elder Rearte. He is a really cool Elder, and is also an Argentine. We visited a lot of people, some of whom only spoke Spanish. I read from El Libro De Mormon, and I also gave out a Spanish book of Mormon again. Some of our plans didn't work out, because a member who was going to pick up an investigator's tires got slashed. The member is going on a mission soon, and her friends don't appreciate it.
Friday we had a ward Halloween party and trunk or treat. We had about 15 of our less actives/ investigators show up. It was pretty successful, and we had some good fellow shipping happen.
Saturday was Halloween. We had to be in our apartment at 6. Elder Perkins and I watched some of the LDS Christmas proselyting movies that we have. 
Finally, on Sunday we didn't have any of our investigators/ less actives come to church, but we did get a new member investigator. His name is Alfredo, and he will be baptized moy rapido. We also were able to teach Daniel Cooper and his Wife Amanda, which was awesome. He is moving to Fresno on Friday, so we don't know exactly what will happen next, but he will be baptized. Pray for him and his family.
I learned this week about how we can learn so many different things from the same writing. I specifically learned ways to improve my finding.
I am doing well. 
Elder Keeley

Monday, October 26, 2015

Picture of Daniel cooper

Investigators at Sacrament meeting and Church

Elder Perkins and I had a busy week this week, and busy is a good thing. One of our inspired companionship goals for this week was to be out on the streets by at least 1:30. This goal helped Elder Perkins and I to have our lines in the water for more time then we have previously. That means we are talking to more people for longer. We are still working on talking with at least ten people every day, but we are changing the way we are doing missionary work to be more productive, and use our time more effective. 

This week we finally had some of our investigators come to church, the Zamoras. They are a family of 8 with the dad already a member. We haven't been able to teach the oldest brother very much yet, and the two youngest are three and a half year old twins. This family has been prepared by god, and at least 3 of them are committed to be baptized on the first of November. The mom is preparing to be baptized as well, but she is still dealing with coffee. 

Daniel Cooper is doing well as well. He has given up his addictions, and is keeping his commitments. He didn't come to church yesterday, but he is planning on coming next week, and I have high hopes for him as well. His wife hasn't joined in our lessons yet, but I think that she will see how much Daniel has changed, and want to know more for herself. I have hope and faith. 

Hope, faith, diligence and patience are the traits that I have been working on this week. I have begun to see the changes that have taken place within my companionship as I have sought to make myself better, and have been praying for my companion as well. We are the youngest missionaries in the area, and we are being blessed with a lot of success. I know that this is really the Lords work, and so If I do what the Lord says is best, and just rely on the Holy Ghost, I will be successful, no matter what else is happening. 

This week was transfer week. Elder Agazzani left on Wednesday, and Elder Peterson came in his place. Elder Peterson is from Utah, but he doesn't look very much like Cameron Peterson, so I don't know if they are related.  He served for 9 months in Columbia, but he hurt his leg and went home for two years, but now he is in Fresno. He is pretty cool, and is a good missionary. He is very obedient, which is a good thing. 

On preparation day Elder Perkins and I, along with my whole zone, played volleyball in Hanford. That was pretty fun. 

 Elder Perkins and I also joined Elder Arebalo and Elder Peterson to give one of their investigators a blessing. It was interesting to sit in on an all Spanish lesson. I'm reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish, but when I try to speak Spanish, German words sneak out instead, it's Germish, I think it's pretty funny.

Everything went pretty well this week, I enjoy being a missionary. I am sorry to hear that Brother Tressler is gone. I am praying for his family. I loved him. 

Also, happy birthday Mayli and grandma Keeley.
 Elder Keeley.

Monday, October 19, 2015

It's finally less than 100 degrees

I had a good week this week. We have a lot of investigators that are having solid progression towards baptism. We have 3 families that are committed to being baptised on the 1st. 
The first family is the Zamora family. They are planning on coming to church next Sunday, and are excited about baptism and mutual. The Dad, who is already a member, told us how great gospel is, and how it is already changing his family. They are working towards marriage, and they actually made plans to come to church. In the past they have said they will come, but they were concerned about how reverent their 3 year old twins would be. I think that three of them will be baptized on the first. 
The second family is our bread supplier. He has two children, 11 years old, and 8 years old that have not been baptized yet. His wife and he are members, but they have not come to church as a family in a long time. They also committed to come this week, and their kids have a November 1st baptism date. I think they will make that as well. They want to change. 
Our final person is named Daniel Cooper. He really wants to change his life, and is doing the things that he has committed to do. We invited him to church two weeks ago, and he went, but he went to a non-lds one. We clarified that for him, and I believe he will be baptized.
We had stake conference this week, so it was hard for our contacts to make it.

We are looking for new people to teach, especially families. It can be hard to find people because it gets dark so quickly. 

My first transfer has gone by, and it feels like it was both really long, and really short. Everyone in my Area is staying, except for Elder Agazzani, who is becoming an English elder for some reason.

My week's focus was prayer, and receiving an answer to prayers through the scriptures and words of the prophets. I prayed a lot this week, asking for blessings for the people we see, and asking the Lord what can I do more to become a better missionary. I just felt the desire to pray, and made an effort to pray with focus and sincerity. I would pray, and then look in the scriptures, or in the prophets writings, and I also remembered lines from my patriarchal blessing. I learned that the best way for me to help others is to see the good in them, to look at the strengths, and build them up higher. I must  see the beam in my own eye, and make myself better. 

The secret to being a successful missionary is to just do the things that are in the Preach my gospel. Do what a missionary is supposed to when they are supposed to. This is the Lords work, and if we do what he told us to do, we will be successful. He will help us as we try to do what he has asked.

My hair is looking better now. It's still growing. I had my part re shaven today.
Here is my new daily planner.

Elder Keeley

Monday, October 12, 2015


My haircut is Apostate, but it is growing back.

Work and Adventures

I got a haircut this week.
Elder Agazzani, One of the Argentian missionaries cut it for me. It started off pretty well on the sides, on setting 3. It looked pretty good. He started on the top at about setting 8. It was going good, but all of a sudden, my hair was very short. He had accidentally switched to setting two. I was almost bald this week, but It looks okay now, a week later. 
We also got free bread. Last preparation day the other missionaries ran into a member at Walmart who is the bread distributor for the area. He gave us a lot of free bread, and treats made of wheat, such as donuts. I also discovered that Chocolate milk can be a staple of my diet. I eat a lot of grains, fruit, dairy, and Mexican. 
We went looking for less actives a lot this week. That's always fun, and it gives us opportunities to meet people. One of my favorite things to do as a missionary is to give away copies of the book of Mormon to the people that I meet on the street. I know how great of a gift it is.
This week I rediscovered the Joy and inspiration that comes from just reading the book of Mormon. I have decided that instead of occasionally taking a nap during my lunch time, I will read the book of Mormon or other inspirational articles instead. I got to go to a baptism for two girls that were born in the covenant, not new converts, it was a great experience. They were confirmed afterwards and I thought about how great it was for me to always have my dad to give me blessings, and things like that. Then I realized that God is everyone's Father. We all receive those blessing from are Father, it doesn't matter who does the talking.
I went on an exchange, but we stayed in my area. We went looking for less actives in Caruthers, and only got to see one family, because we were ensnared in a story. 
The Zamora family is progressing. We taught the law of Chastity to them, and we learned that they aren't actually married, but they are planning on getting married as far as I know. They are progressing pretty well. We also taught a new investigator named Armando, and his family. He loves everything we teach, but he has a hard time with modern revalation and scriptures, but I believe that as he becomes converted to the Book of Mormon, he will be able to overcome that hurdle.
It is good to be a missionary.
Elder Keeley

Monday, October 5, 2015

1st Conference in the mission field

My first conference in the mission field was fantastic!
Here are the biggest things that I got out of conference that I can do to become a better missionary. 
First, Make more of an effort to talk to everyone that has been put in my path about the restoration of the gospel. Talking with everyone has been something that Elder Perkins and I have been working on during our whole missions, but I am continuing to work on it. Talking to people will allow us to find the people God has prepared, and allow God to put more prepared people in our path.
Second, have a more liquid teaching pool. Talking with everyone will help with this, but a large part of this is just being willing to "drop" people that are not progressing in the gospel because they are not keeping commitments. It will be difficult for me to let them go, but even more difficult to convince my companion that we could use our time more efficiently. I know that the Lord is preparing people to live the gospel, and we need to find the white wheat. 
Third, is to just spend as much time with my line in the water as I can. It is up to me to do my best to always be prepared to go out and do the Lord will. Nothing will happen if we do nothing.

My favorite talk was Elder Bednar, it was a powerful but simple message about prophets. I think that the new Apostles will be very good. I felt that allowing God to mold us was talked about a lot. 

This week I also had interviews with the mission president. That was a food experience. A lot of missionaries went up to Fresno to give service at a free dental convention. We set up and stuff, I thought it was pretty neat. 

We weren't able to contact Abel during the last week, so no new news on him.
We were able to meet with the Zamora family in their home and taught them a strong lesson about the word of wisdom, and eternal families. They are our most progressing investigators. 

A large hurdle for us is that many of our investigators haven't been keeping the commitments to read and pray, and come to church. They believe what we teach, but don't act on their knowledge. 

We also had a district meeting this week (like every week) and I really like the direction that my district is going. I feel like my prayers are being answered. Good things are going to happen. 

Elder Perkins and I keep running into Ron on the street, that's always a highlight. We are actually making some progress with him, even though we don't intentionally visit him, and he is crazy. 

I love having so much time to spend studying and teaching the gospel. 
Sorry, I left my camera in the apartment, so no pictures. 

Elder Keeley

Monday, September 28, 2015

The week of meetings!

I had a good week, it was full of meetings! I had district meeting on Tuesday, where we learned about how to really help people have the desire to come to church. They already know it is a good thing to do, but they have to feel that it is a way to show their love for god. Then I had Zone Conference on Wednesday, it was fantastic! Elder Arnold and his wife were the special guests. I learned about loving ward members and leaders, planning more effectively, having good goals, not choosing selective obedience, and many other things. It was a very spiritual meeting. We are doing an important work, and we must do everything we can. Then I had exchanges on Thursday, I was paired with an Argentine named Elder Rearte, it was the best! He is "older" than my trainer, and we were able to do very well together. He was able to talk to Spanish only speakers, which was nice as well.
Elder Rearte and I found two ladies in a park, Chastity and Adriana, who were very prepared to hear our message. They felt the holy ghost, and were very receptive to the book of Mormon and the Atonement. They both committed to being baptized, but we haven't been able to contact them again at all.
Friday we had a Trainer Trainee meeting, with all the new missionaries that came in with me. That was pretty good, I learned to not worry about things I can't control. That is something that I am still working on, but it was a good meeting. 
On Saturday most of my district, plus a missionary who's companion is sick, went to Kingsburg and did two service projects back to back. It was a little too much service for one day, but it was interesting. We helped a lady move her things into storage, and prepared for a Swedish Festival.
The biggest thing I learned this week was the importance of choosing exact obedience over selective obedience. That makes all the difference. 
The baptism that we had planned for Sunday had to be moved back, because Abel had eye surgery. I still think he will be baptized. 
The bishop of my ward has just recently become very excited in missionary work, both with inactive and new converts. His goal is 300 active members in 5 years, so that the ward can be split. I felt the inspiration of his goal, and it will help us as missionaries a lot. I bore my testimony about priesthood keys, the Book of Mormon, and the Atonement on Sunday. It was good.

Also, I had my birthday this week, and Zone Conference was a great gift. I also got lots of candy and good food. I'm one of the older missionaries that I am with age wise, but not in mission time wise. 
Probably the best way to prepare to be a missionary is to share the gospel with your friends, and read the preach my gospel over and over again. All of you priests should go on a mission.

Elder Keeley

We play a lot of Futball here. It's serious business, I'm pretty good, but I'm no Argentine. Elder Perkins is wearing Elder Rearte's Jersey.

​Here's what the area is like. It's very dry, but grapes are everywhere. This is where about 95
5% of Raisins come from. 

Thanks for all the letters from everyone. My mailing address is just the mission home.

Elder Keeley

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 2

I have had a good second week out in the Lord's Vineyard. My companion and I set up a baptismal date with a man named Abel. Abel is a cool guy, who is willing to serve the lord. He has had two strokes, and has a speech problem, but he is really cool to talk to. His date is this Saturday or Sunday. We still need to clarify that. 
We are also working with a girl named Lia. We found her through her mom's boyfriend. She is friends with a member of our ward, and that has helped her a lot. She loves to hear about the gospel, and she is solid with her commitments. The only thing holding her back is that her mom didn't let her come to church. Hopefully we can meet her mom, and teach her as well.
The coolest story of this week was with a lady named Kim. All of her kids are baptized, but she couldn't be because she was living in the same apartment as her boyfriend. However, this week her boyfriend stole her dad's truck, and drove without a license into a hit and run. He was also on parole at the time. The truck was destroyed, but he jumped into a black car. Hopefully, that will keep him out of the picture, but at the moment, he is hiding out in the apartment again. Kim's father will press charges once the police find him. It was really good, and we set a baptismal date, but then it was disappointing when we found that he was hiding out at the apartment. 
It was fun to play soccer on preparation day with all the elders from Argentina and Mexico. They are really really good. I scored two goals, but I am really bad in comparison to them. Here's a better picture of what my hair really looks like.

Here was my whole MTC district:

I don't really bring my camera around all over the place, and it's batteries don't last very long. I am already out of email time for this week. Tell all the priests that are left to go on missions. 

I love you all,
Elder Keeley

PS: Sister Crowther say's that she will be able to go on a mission during October. That's fantastic.

Monday, September 14, 2015

First week in Fresno!

Sorry that there have been so few emails from me, In the almost 3 weeks I have been out, I have only had two preparation days, counting this one. 
The last week at the MTC was good, but we had two health incidents in my district. The first was one of the sisters in my district, Sister Crowther. She was having bruises for no reason and had to go to several doctors to have her blood drawn and tested. She had to go home and be released the last day of the MTC, so that was no bueno. The second health incident was a seizure by Elder White. He went to the ER and was tested, but he was okay, and is in the mission with me. I wasn't able to go to the last Tuesday devotional because no one in my district or zone wanted to go, including my companion, and I couldn't go all by myself. We were taken to Salt lake on a bus, and then flown into Fresno on a small plane. There were 18 missionaries, only one of them was a sister.

My first day in the mission field was good. We went through office work, and then went outside and did something called open your mouth. I was paired with Elder Withers, my current zone president. We taught some members that we found, and then taught some ladies that were drinking. We also got yelled at by some satanists, so that was cool too. We invited one person to be baptized and they said yes. 
We ate dinner at president Clark's house, and then had a testimony meeting type thing. We slept at the assistant to the president's house. They parted our hair, that's the official hairstyle of the mission.

 We went running in the morning and then went back to the mission office.

We did some more office work, and watched some safety videos, and eventually we got our trainers.
My first real companion is Elder Perkins. He is from Colorado.

​please excuse the bad picture quality, I haven't been using my camera very much.

My companion and I are in Selma, a fairly small, mostly Hispanic town. A lot of people here only speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish much at all. We are the only English missionaries in the area.
We don't have very many investigators which are progressing, but we have taught several lessons and are trying to find new investigators. We are also helping recently baptized members to stay strong. Selma is an awesome town.
It is pretty hot here, and the air quality is terrible, because of the largest wildfire in California. Selma is "famous" for its raisins. Most of the people are catholic. It might rain here today, for the first time in months. 
I have learned a lot on my mission, but the biggest things that I have learned is the importance of being a good leader, being obedient, bearing testimony, making lessons personal, asking for referrals, and working hard. I am practicing talking to potential investigators, and helping them become progressing investigators.

The food situation at my apartment is pretty bad. I opened a "new" box of oatmeal, and then ripped open a packet and poured out maggots. That was fun. I am helping improve the situation though.

Elder Keeley

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Elder Keeley Zone Pic

Here is my zone


Here are the elders from my district.Here are some sisters from my Zone, only the far left two are in my district.I don't have pictures of the other 2.
Here is my companion.
I have ran into Elder Caiden Brown a couple of times.

The first week of the MTC

My email address is In case you want to send me an email.
Here is my address if you want to send a letter or package: 
Elder Andrew Paul Keeley
2005 N 900 E Unit  30
Provo UT 84602

My first week at the MTC has been incredible, I've loved it. My bishop told me that the MTC would be the worst part of my mission, and while that might end up being true, I have been having a great time here. 
I spend most of my day in my class room with my District, role-playing and learning how to be a better missionary. We have 4 sisters and 6 elders including me. Half of us are going to Fresno California, and the other half is going to Houston South. 

My companion's name is Elder Gardner, he is a rancher/ farm boy from a small town in Idaho. He is pretty good to be with, but sometimes he is a little quiet. I am already great friends with my district, with all the Elder's and Sisters. Sometimes things get a little bit off topic, but it is generally not my fault.

The food is here is either pretty good, or pretty bad, usually the former for me. It isn't always very healthy though. 

My best experiences here at the MTC so far has definitely been the devotionals and teaching our research training center personal investigator. 

The first devotional I had was with Charles W. Dalquist II. He gave a great devotional where the Holy Ghost was very strong throughout. After his devotional I was able to watch Elder Bednar's The Character of Christ Christmas devotional. It taught me about how Christ turned outward instead of inward, and more importantly, that we need to remember times when we can feel the Holy Ghost. He taught with the Holy Ghost. We need to always try to become better, and learn about something new. 

For the second devotional I sang in the Choir, Lead Kindly light, you might see me if you watch the devotional. The speaker was none other than Elder Oaks and his wife, sot that was pretty cool. During the beginning of Elder Oaks talk I wasn't able to pay much attention, and I wasn't feeling the Holy Ghost as much as during the last devotional, so I felt like I should pray. I prayed that I would be able to feel the holy ghost, focus, and to know which direction I should take my next lesson with my RTC PI, between the Book of Mormon and the Plan of Salvation, and all my prayer was answered. Elder Oaks taught that we need to lay down the plan of salvation as a foundation, I felt the Holy Ghost very Strongly, and I was able to be awake and pay attention. 

It's been good. I'm not even that tired yet.
Elder Keeley