Monday, March 28, 2016

Porterville Specialized Training and Exchanges. Also Easter

I had a good week this week. We had a productive Monday afternoon, and then on Tuesday we went on an hour drive down to Porterville for Specialized Training. I think that's our mission president's new name for Zone Conference. We learned about making small changes to become a lot better, and about better finding through the members and through our own efforts.
On Wednesday we spent almost the whole afternoon working on creating a ward mission plan with our ward Mission Leader, Brother Smeaton. It should be good if it is followed. We are submitting it to the ward council to see if it is approved. 
I got to go on exchanges with Elder Howard. That's always lots of fun. We taught a family in Spanish, and I was able to talk quite a bit. I am learning almost exclusively from street contacts and other missionaries. 
On Thursday we continued our exchange, but didn't really catch anyone at home. When I came back to Selma, Elder Smith and I were able to teach a lady that we found by talking about family history. She is good with everything, but doesn't want to come to church because she works at the school, and doesn't like to run into the kids that she knows. She doesn't want to restart family history because she thinks she will become addicted. She is a really nice lady though. Her name is Barbara.
On Friday we went to Parlier and taught a man named Eloid at Tony the Barber's barbershop. He had just gotten out of prison 6 months ago, and is looking for a way to repent, and become a better person. He feels the spirit well, and is interested in our message. We taught him again Saturday as well. He has been off of Crystal meth for 6 months, and knows that he cannot go back or he is in big trouble.
On Saturday we taught a lot of lessons, and had a good time. 
Easter was good. It was a fast Sunday, and I bore my testimony of the Atonement, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been studying a lot about the gospel recently, and have come to more fully understand how the Gospel and Atonement are really center of everything that we do. the ability to be forgiven of our sins, and be healed is an amazing thing. Jesus Christ allows every single person to recieve healing and help.

I got a cold this week, which wasn't very fun. It made me really tired, and clogged my nose. We worked through it, but it wasn't very pleasurable. 
Elder Keeley

Monday, March 21, 2016

One minute Mass

I only have one minute, I apologize. I went on exchanges with Elder Munzon, that was pretty fun. We also got a mini missionary named Elder Bradshaw from Visalia. He was pretty cool and that was pretty fun as well. We might have a baptism coming up, but we'll see. Everything is going pretty well. Have a happy Easter!
Elder Keeley